We're teenagers. We screw up. Everytime, we are supposed to screw up cause... we are people, but nobody takes us seriously, and we are kids but we already think we are grown ups. We screw up cause we're fucked up. We all are. It doesn't exist, you know, that perfect teen boy or girl that is beautiful, and rich, and smart, and has a girlfriend or a boyfriend. They don't exist. Seriously, they just don't. Those rich beautiful smart teenagers are as fucked up as we are, they just don't reveal it. And those who really are beautiful and rich and perfect, well they're just not teenagers. I don't know what they are but they're not teenagers. And I know it because if I were rich and beautiful I would be a rich and beautiful fucked up kid. We are fucked up, cause that's the time that we can be fucked up and nobody will really care cause we're teenagers. We're suppose to screw everything up.
And people told me, and I think I'm seeing it happen, that as much as we grow up we see that parents are right in most of the time. But there are times when our parents are wrong and we are right. And on those times our parents get upset with us, cause we fight cause we know we're right. And that's why we're so fucked up. Everytime we're wrong we think we're right, and everytime we're right nobody believes in us cause we're wrong most of the time.
But despite all the fuck ups and screw ups, I really like being a teenager cause that's the time we do shit. We do shit and we're proud of it, cause everytime we do something wrong and we know it's wrong it feels so good, because it's so wrong. I really like playing with the rules, sneaking out, being up late at night, I really like doing everything I can't do cause I know that when I grow up I won't be able to do those things anymore... and if I would, it wouldn't feel so good cause I wouldn't be breaking a rule to do it. Even if I know that everybody knows I'm breaking a rule. Cause everybody knows I'm a teenager. Cause I'm so fucked up. Cause I screw up. Bad. Like every teenager do.
But fuck it. We're the grown up kids, we're alloud. So let's scream and fuck, cause this is the best part of our lifes, we're in the prime of our youth and it never comes again.
Não faz sentido algum, mas eu precisava botar isso pra fora. Eu sei que tem gente que vai dizer que isso não é verdade, mas se vocês pararem pra pensar, é verdade.
Não sei, só isso.